Ubisoft gives free games to those who bought AC: Unity

Poor programming
Uhm, where is the face?

Ubisoft is giving free games to clean their image as much as possible, from disastrous launch of Assassins Creed: Unity. They are offering anyone that has bought the game’s Gold Edition or Season Pass a chance to get one of the following games for free:

  • The Crew
  • Far Cry 4
  • Watch Dogs
  • Assassin’s Creed Black Flag
  • Rayman Legends
  • Just Dance 2015

Next DLC called, “Dead Kings”will be free for anyone that has bought Assassins Creed: Unity on any of the systems. (Xbox One, PS4, PC). Ubisoft has also promised that they will continue working on update(s) and that the Update 3 is going to be released before the end of the year. It is expected to fix a lot of stuff within the game and as well optimize the game so that it doesn’t have any memory leaks or similar issues that could provide performance hit. Someone could say that you shouldn’t preorder games anymore after failure like this. However for some teams that are developing their games with the help of the public it could be still useful to have preorder. The connection between the users and the developers is better and you have enough material to see the larger picture and decided if the game is worth your money. Most of the preorded games are cat in the bag since you don’t know if the game will be good or will it fail by being abysmal experience.  We can hope that Ubisoft has learned its lesson with Watch Dogs and Assassins Creed: Unity about rushing to publish the game that hasn’t been tested on variety of different combinations and with poor code optimization.


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Nikola Stojic
Nikola Stojic

Entrepreneur, writing about startups and tech, giving his opinion on business topics.