Hey there

I would like to thank everyone for visiting website and checking it out. Grindam is a website which will primarily focus on new technology and media as well the games for various devices. We are having a section where we are also going to give you our opinion on various issues in tech culture, new trends, as well the discussion on what we think it about various things while having multiple opinions on same subject included in the opinion article. Some of you may know our website as a game developer’s website of game called Dystopos

You may wonder what has happened. Well at the moment a lot of the stuff are still going on but they are being slow and we also wanted to do something where we could write our reviews, opinions, report news on what’s being latest at the moment. In the near future we will probably update on reorganization of Grindam game development team.

With all that said, it’s time to work and deliver what we promised. We will be also looking for editors and news reporters, so if you are interested, want to express your views and opinions about various devices and games to the people, feel free to contact us and will work out something. Thanks for reading our first post!

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Nikola Stojic
Nikola Stojic

Entrepreneur, writing about startups and tech, giving his opinion on business topics.


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    • Hehe, yeah I remember. Well I’m doing the redesign and trying to try the concept of Tech Magazine and Game website. I’m in for any new ideas so feel free to respond 🙂