Essential Tools for Running a Business – Free E-book

Having a startup requires constant organization and management on your behalf and making everything function at the same time. From communicating with your team, to transferring files to your clients or coworkers, you always use employ different tools to do it. The guys from Active Collab wrote this wonderful free e-book on what tools they are using internally for running their own company.

Active Collab is a popular, all-in-one tool for project management, team collaboration, and billing. Be sure to read this book since, while it mostly outlays down the tools you probably know, it will also add some that you don’t like Gorgias for example – Chrome extension used for making email templates.

If you are just starting, or you already have your own startup, or working on something different, non the less, this books is awesome guide on what programs you can use to improve your productivity and ease your work.

To get the visit the site and just leave your email. The book will arrive in few minutes:

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Nikola Stojic
Nikola Stojic

Entrepreneur, writing about startups and tech, giving his opinion on business topics.

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